If you've traversed the grounds at any of the nation's most prestigious horse shows, chances are, you've seen Anne Gittins ringside. With decades of experience in the photography industry, Anne has captured snapshots of equestrians of every age and level, from leadline to international grand prix competition.
The Official Photographer at the New England Equitation Championships; the Upperville Colt & Horse Show; and others, Anne Gittins Photography is there to catalogue every moment, big or small, between horse and rider.
Contact Anne to book a private photo session or reserve your spot as a photography client at an upcoming horse show.

COPYRIGHT NOTICE: The photographs on display at AnneGittins.com are the property of AnneGittins.com and are protected by United States and International copyright laws. No permission, either express or implied, is granted for the electronic transmission, storage, retrieval, or printing of the photographs contained on AnneGittins.com. No form of reproduction, including copying, printing, scanning or saving of digital image files, or the alteration or manipulation of said image files, is authorized. No parties visiting AnneGittins.com may otherwise copy, modify, publish, or distribute the contents of these photographs found on this site. Express written permission must be granted, on behalf of Anne K. Gittins Photography (copyright holder), in order to use the photographs at AnneGittins.com for any purpose.